Ji Zou
ContactDepartment of PhysicsUniversity of Basel Klingelbergstrasse 82 CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
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Short CV
2022 - present: | Georg H. Endress postdoc fellow, University of Basel, Switzerland with Prof. Daniel Loss |
2016 - 2022: | PhD in Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, with Prof. Yaroslav Tserkovnyak |
Thesis: Aspects of magnetism: topology, transport, and quantum entanglement | |
2011 - 2015: | BSc in Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, with Prof. Shaolong Wan |
Thesis: Topological Invariants in Topological Insulators |
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2. | Topological Spin Textures Enabling Quantum Transmission |
Ji Zou, Stefano Bosco, Jelena Klinovaja, Daniel Loss arXiv:2409.14373
Quantum spintronics is an emerging field focused on developing novel applications by utilizing the quantum coherence of magnetic systems. Robust information transmission is crucial for achieving fully scalable spintronic devices. However, despite its significance, reliable long-range quantum information transmission in magnetic systems remains a challenging frontier. Here, we introduce a long-distance quantum transmission scheme based on topological spin textures in a hybrid system of a magnetic racetrack and spin qubits. We demonstrate this principle by employing the domain wall (DW)-the most fundamental texture-to transport quantum signal between distant qubits. In particular, we propose and analyze an efficient measurement-free protocol that leverages the DW mobility to enable robust entanglement generation between distant qubits. Strikingly, we find that this remote entanglement generation is not only fast and of high fidelity, but also remarkably tunable, capable of being easily turned on and off on-demand by switching the DW initial state. Furthermore, we show that, interestingly, spin qubits can serve as quantum stations for the racetrack, facilitating state transfer among fast-moving DWs on the same track. Our study provides a hybrid quantum platform for scalable quantum computation and opens the door to future explorations of topological textures for quantum information processing in spintronics architectures.
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3. | Magnonic φ Josephson junctions and synchronized precession |
Kouki Nakata, Ji Zou, Jelena Klinovaja, Daniel Loss Physical Review Research 6 (3), 033207 (2024)
There has been a growing interest in non-Hermitian physics. One of its main goals is to engineer dissipation and to explore ensuing functionality. In magnonics, the effect of dissipation due to local damping on magnon transport has been explored. However, the effects of nonlocal damping on the magnonic analog of the Josephson effect remain missing, despite that nonlocal damping is inevitable and has been playing a central role in magnonics. Here, we uncover theoretically that a surprisingly rich dynamics can emerge in magnetic junctions due to intrinsic nonlocal damping, using analytical and numerical methods. In particular, under microwave pumping, we show that coherent spin precession in the right and left insulating ferromagnet (FM) of the junction becomes synchronized by nonlocal damping and thereby a magnonic analog of the 𝜑 Josephson junction emerges, where 𝜑 stands here for the relative precession phase of right and left FM in the stationary limit. Remarkably, 𝜑 decreases monotonically from 𝜋 to 𝜋/2 as the magnon-magnon interaction, arising from spin anisotropies, increases. Moreover, we also find a magnonic diode effect giving rise to rectification of magnon currents. Our predictions are readily testable with current device and measurement technologies at room temperatures.
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4. | High-Fidelity Spin Qubit Shuttling via Large Spin-Orbit Interactions |
Stefano Bosco, Ji Zou, Daniel Loss PRX Quantum 5 (2), 020353 (2024)
Shuttling spins with high fidelity is a key requirement to scale up semiconducting quantum computers, enabling qubit entanglement over large distances and favoring the integration of control electronics on-chip. To decouple the spin from the unavoidable charge noise, state-of-the-art spin shuttlers try to minimize the inhomogeneity of the Zeeman field. However, this decoupling is challenging in otherwise promising quantum computing platforms such as hole spin qubits in silicon and germanium, characterized by a large spin-orbit interaction and an electrically tunable qubit frequency. In this work, we show that, surprisingly, the large inhomogeneity of the Zeeman field stabilizes the coherence of a moving spin state, thus also enabling high-fidelity shuttling in these systems. We relate this enhancement in fidelity to the deterministic dynamics of the spin that filters out the dominant low-frequency contributions of the charge noise. By simulating several different scenarios and noise sources, we show that this is a robust phenomenon generally occurring at large field inhomogeneity. By appropriately adjusting the motion of the quantum dot, we also design realistic protocols enabling faster and more coherent spin shuttling. Our findings are generally applicable to a wide range of setups and could pave the way toward large-scale quantum processors.
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5. | Spatially correlated classical and quantum noise in driven qubits |
Ji Zou, Stefano Bosco, Daniel Loss npj Quantum Information 10 (1), 46 (2024)
Correlated noise across multiple qubits poses a significant challenge for achieving scalable and fault-tolerant quantum processors. Despite recent experimental efforts to quantify this noise in various qubit architectures, a comprehensive understanding of its role in qubit dynamics remains elusive. Here, we present an analytical study of the dynamics of driven qubits under spatially correlated noise, including both Markovian and non-Markovian noise. Surprisingly, we find that by operating the qubit system at low temperatures, where correlated quantum noise plays an important role, significant long-lived entanglement between qubits can be generated. Importantly, this generation process can be controlled on-demand by turning the qubit driving on and off. On the other hand, we demonstrate that by operating the system at a higher temperature, the crosstalk between qubits induced by the correlated noise is unexpectedly suppressed. We finally reveal the impact of spatio-temporally correlated 1/f noise on the decoherence rate, and how its temporal correlations restore lost entanglement. Our findings provide critical insights into not only suppressing crosstalk between qubits caused by correlated noise but also in effectively leveraging such noise as a beneficial resource for controlled entanglement generation.
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6. | Tunable Ultrafast Dynamics of Antiferromagnetic Vortices in Nanoscale Dots |
Ji Zou, Even Thingstad, Se Kwon Kim, Jelena Klinovaja, Daniel Loss arXiv:2404.18306
Topological vortex textures in magnetic disks have garnered great attention due to their interesting physics and diverse applications. However, up to now, the vortex state has mainly been studied in microsize ferromagnetic disks, which have oscillation frequencies confined to the GHz range. Here, we propose an experimentally feasible ultrasmall and ultrafast vortex state in an antiferromagnetic nanodot surrounded by a heavy metal, which is further harnessed to construct a highly tunable vortex network. We theoretically demonstrate that, interestingly, the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (iDMI) induced by the heavy metal at the boundary of the dot acts as an effective chemical potential for the vortices in the interior. Mimicking the creation of a superfluid vortex by rotation, we show that a magnetic vortex state can be stabilized by this iDMI. Subjecting the system to an electric current can trigger vortex oscillations via spin-transfer torque, which reside in the THz regime and can be further modulated by external magnetic fields. Furthermore, we show that coherent coupling between vortices in different nanodisks can be achieved via an antiferromagnetic link. Remarkably, this interaction depends on the vortex polarity and topological charge and is also exceptionally tunable through the vortex resonance frequency. This opens up the possibility for controllable interconnected networks of antiferromagnetic vortices. Our proposal therefore introduces a new avenue for developing high-density memory, ultrafast logic devices, and THz signal generators, which are ideal for compact integration into microchips.
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7. | Spin-Orbit Locked Coupling of Localized Microwaves to Magnons |
Chengyuan Cai, Zubiao Zhang, Ji Zou, Gerrit EW Bauer, Tao Yu Physical Review Applied 22 (3), 034042 (2024) | |
8. | Non-Hermitian topological magnonics |
Tao Yu, Ji Zou, Bowen Zeng, JW Rao, Ke Xia Physics Reports 1062, 1-86 (2024)
Dissipation in mechanics, optics, acoustics, and electronic circuits is nowadays recognized to be not always detrimental but can be exploited to achieve non-Hermitian topological phases or properties with functionalities for potential device applications, ranging from sensors with unprecedented sensitivity, energy funneling, wave isolators, non-reciprocal signal amplification, to dissipation induced phase transition. As elementary excitations of ordered magnetic moments that exist in various magnetic materials, magnons are the information carriers in magnonic devices with low-energy consumption for reprogrammable logic, non-reciprocal communication, and non-volatile memory functionalities. Non-Hermitian topological magnonics deals with the engineering of dissipation and/or gain for non-Hermitian topological phases or properties in magnets that are not achievable in the conventional Hermitian scenario, with associated functionalities cross-fertilized with their electronic, acoustic, optic, and mechanic counterparts, such as giant enhancement of magnonic frequency combs, magnon amplification, (quantum) sensing of the magnetic field with unprecedented sensitivity, magnon accumulation, and perfect absorption of microwaves. In this review article, we address the unified approach in constructing magnonic non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, introduce the basic non-Hermitian topological physics, and provide a comprehensive overview of the recent theoretical and experimental progress towards achieving distinct non-Hermitian topological phases or properties in magnonic devices, including exceptional points, exceptional nodal phases, non-Hermitian magnonic SSH model, and non-Hermitian skin effect. We emphasize the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian approach based on the Lindbladian or self-energy of the magnonic subsystem but address the physics beyond it as well, such as the crucial quantum jump effect in the quantum regime and non-Markovian dynamics. We provide a perspective for future opportunities and challenges before concluding this article.
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9. | Tracing Dirac points of topological surface states by ferromagnetic resonance |
Laura Pietanesi, Magdalena Marganska, Thomas Mayer, Michael Barth, Lin Chen, Ji Zou, Adrian Weindl, Alexander Liebig, Rebeca Díaz-Pardo, Dhavala Suri, Florian Schmid, Franz J Gießibl, Klaus Richter, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, Matthias Kronseder, Christian H Back Physical Review B 109 (6), 064424 (2024)
Ferromagnetic resonance is used to reveal features of the buried electronic band structure at interfaces between ferromagnetic metals and topological insulators. By monitoring the evolution of magnetic damping, the application of this method to a hybrid structure consisting of a ferromagnetic layer and a 3D topological insulator reveals a clear fingerprint of the Dirac point and exhibits additional features of the interfacial band structure not otherwise observable. The underlying spin-pumping mechanism is discussed in the framework of dissipation of angular momentum by topological surface states (TSSs). Tuning of the Fermi level within the TSS was verified both by varying the stoichiometry of the topological insulator layer and by electrostatic backgating and the damping values obtained in both cases show a remarkable agreement. The high-energy resolution of this method additionally allows us to resolve the energetic shift of the local Dirac points generated by local variations of the electrostatic potential. Calculations based on the chiral tunneling process naturally occurring in TSSs agree well with the experimental results.
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10. | Dissipative spin-wave diode and nonreciprocal magnonic amplifier |
Ji Zou, Stefano Bosco, Even Thingstad, Jelena Klinovaja, Daniel Loss Physical Review Letters 132 (3), 036701 (2024)
We propose an experimentally feasible dissipative spin-wave diode comprising two magnetic layers coupled via a nonmagnetic spacer. We theoretically demonstrate that the spacer mediates not only coherent interactions but also dissipative coupling. Interestingly, an appropriately engineered dissipation engenders a nonreciprocal device response, facilitating the realization of a spin-wave diode. This diode permits wave propagation in one direction alone, given that the coherent Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction is balanced with the dissipative coupling. The polarity of the diode is determined by the sign of the DM interaction. Furthermore, we show that when the magnetic layers undergo incoherent pumping, the device operates as a unidirectional spin-wave amplifier. The amplifier gain is augmented by cascading multiple magnetic bilayers. By extending our model to a one-dimensional ring structure, we establish a connection between the physics of spin-wave amplification and non-Hermitian topology. Our proposal opens up a new avenue for harnessing inherent dissipation in spintronic applications.
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11. | Visualizing magnetic order in self-assembly of superparamagnetic nanoparticles |
Xingyuan Lu*, Ji Zou*, Minh Pham, Arjun Rana, Chen-Ting Liao, Emma Cating Subramanian, Xuefei Wu, Yuan Hung Lo, Charles S Bevis, Robert M Karl Jr, Serban Lepadatu, Young-Sang Yu, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, Thomas P Russell, David A Shapiro, Henry C Kapteyn, Margaret M Murnane, Robert Streubel, Jianwei Miao arXiv:2401.01284
We use soft x-ray vector-ptychographic tomography to determine the three-dimensional magnetization field in superparamagnetic nanoparticles self-assembled at the liquid-liquid interface and reveal the magnetic order induced by layered structure. The spins in individual nanoparticles become more aligned with increasing number of layers, resulting in a larger net magnetization. Our experimental results show a magnetic short-range order in the monolayer due to the proliferation of thermally induced magnetic vortices and a magnetic long-range order in the bilayer and trilayer, stemming from the strengthened dipolar interactions that effectively suppress thermal fluctuations. We also observe a screening effect of magnetic vortices and the attractive interaction between the magnetic vortices with opposite topological charges. Our work demonstrates the crucial role of layered structure in shaping the magnetization of nanoparticle assemblies, providing new opportunities to modulate these properties through strategic layer engineering.
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12. | Topological transport of vorticity on curved magnetic membranes |
Chau Dao, Ji Zou, Eric Kleinherbers, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak arXiv:2311.00323
In this work, we study the transport of vorticity on curved dynamical two-dimensional magnetic membranes. We find that topological transport can be controlled by geometrically reducing symmetries, which enables processes that are not present in flat magnetic systems. To this end, we construct a vorticity 3-current which obeys a continuity equation. This continuity equation is immune to local fluctuations of the magnetic texture as well as spatiotemporal fluctuations of the membrane. We show how electric current can manipulate vortex transport in geometrically nontrivial magnetic systems. As an illustrative example, we propose a minimal setup that realizes an experimentally feasible energy storage device.
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13. | Quantum computing on magnetic racetracks with flying domain wall qubits |
Ji Zou, Stefano Bosco, Banabir Pal, Stuart SP Parkin, Jelena Klinovaja, Daniel Loss Physical Review Research 5 (3), 033166 (2023)
Domain walls (DWs) on magnetic racetracks are at the core of the field of spintronics, providing a basic element for classical information processing. Here, we show that mobile DWs also provide a blueprint for large-scale quantum computers. Remarkably, these DW qubits showcase exceptional versatility, serving not only as stationary qubits, but also performing the role of solid-state flying qubits that can be shuttled in an ultrafast way. We estimate that the DW qubits are long-lived because they can be operated at sweet spots to reduce potential noise sources. Single-qubit gates are implemented by moving the DW, and two-qubit entangling gates exploit naturally emerging interactions between different DWs. These gates, sufficient for universal quantum computing, are fully compatible with current state-of-the-art experiments on racetrack memories. Further, we discuss possible strategies for qubit readout and initialization, paving the way toward future quantum computers based on mobile topological textures on magnetic racetracks.
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14. | Three-dimensional topological magnetic monopoles and their interactions in a ferromagnetic meta-lattice |
A. Rana, C. T. Liao, E. Iacocca, J. Zou (Theory), M. Pham, E. C. Subramanian, Y. H. Lo, S. A. Ryan, X. Y. Lu, C. S. Bevis, R. M. Karl Jr, A. J. Glaid, Y. S. Yu, P. Mahale, D. A. Shapiro, S. Yazdi, T. E. Mallouk, S. J. Osher, H. C. Kapteyn, V. H. Crespi, J. V. Badding, Y. Tserkovnyak, M. M. Murnane, and J. W. Miao Nature Nanotechnology 18 (3), 227-232 (2023)
Topological magnetic monopoles (TMMs), also known as hedgehogs or Bloch points, are three-dimensional (3D) non-local spin textures that are robust to thermal and quantum fluctuations due to the topology protection. Although TMMs have been observed in skyrmion lattices, spinor Bose–Einstein condensates, chiral magnets, vortex rings and vortex cores, it has been difficult to directly measure the 3D magnetization vector field of TMMs and probe their interactions at the nanoscale. Here we report the creation of 138 stable TMMs at the specific sites of a ferromagnetic meta-lattice at room temperature. We further develop soft X-ray vector ptycho-tomography to determine the magnetization vector and emergent magnetic field of the TMMs with a 3D spatial resolution of 10 nm. This spatial resolution is comparable to the magnetic exchange length of transition metals11, enabling us to probe monopole–monopole interactions. We find that the TMM and anti-TMM pairs are separated by 18.3 ± 1.6 nm, while the TMM and TMM, and anti-TMM and anti-TMM pairs are stabilized at comparatively longer distances of 36.1 ± 2.4 nm and 43.1 ± 2.0 nm, respectively. We also observe virtual TMMs created by magnetic voids in the meta-lattice. This work demonstrates that ferromagnetic meta-lattices could be used as a platform to create and investigate the interactions and dynamics of TMMs. Furthermore, we expect that soft X-ray vector ptycho-tomography can be broadly applied to quantitatively image 3D vector fields in magnetic and anisotropic materials at the nanoscale.
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15. | Bell-state generation for spin qubits via dissipative coupling |
J. Zou, S. Zhang, and Y. Tserkovnyak Physical Review B 106 (18), L180406 (2022), Letter, Editors' Suggestion
We theoretically investigate the dynamics of two spin qubits interacting with a magnetic medium. A systematic formal framework for this qubit-magnet hybrid system is developed in terms of the steady-state properties of the magnetic medium. Focusing on the induced dissipative coupling between the spin qubits, we show how a sizable long-lived entanglement can be established via the magnetic environment, in the absence of any coherent coupling. Moreover, we demonstrate that maximally entangled two-qubit states (Bell states) can be achieved in this scheme when complemented by proper postselection. In this situation, the time evolution of the entanglement is governed by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian, where dynamical phases are separated by an exceptional point. The resultant Bell state is robust against weak random perturbations and does not require the preparation of a particular initial state. Our study may find applications in quantum information science, quantum spintronics, and for sensing of nonlocal quantum correlations.
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16. | Biasing topological charge injection in topological matter |
M. T. Ahari, S. Zhang, J. Zou, and Y. Tserkovnyak Phys. Rev. B, 104, L201401 (2021), Letter
We explore the interplay between topologies in the momentum and real spaces to formulate a thermodynamic description of nonequilibrium injection of topological charges under external bias. We show that the edge modes engendered by the momentum-space topology can play a functional role of connecting the external reservoirs to the bulk transport of topological charges in the real space. We illustrate our general results with two examples: the spin-torque injection of skyrmions in an electrically biased integer quantum Hall system, and the vortex injection in a topological p+ip superconductor coupled to heat reservoirs. Based on the universal fractional entropy of the Majorana zero modes bound to the vortices, their controllable injection proposed in this work could provide a route for creating and manipulating Majorana fermions.
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17. | Zeeman term for the Neel vector in a two sublattice antiferromagnet |
S. Dasgupta and J. Zou Phys. Rev. B 104, 064415 (2021)
We theoretically investigate the dynamics of solitons in two sublattice antiferromagnets under external perturbations, focusing on the effect of Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interactions. To this end, we construct a micromagnetic field theory for the antiferromagnet in the presence of the external magnetic field, DM interaction, and spin-transfer torque. In particular, we show external magnetic field and spin current couple to Néel vector in a Zeeman-like manner when DM interactions present, which can be used to efficiently drive antiferromagnetic solitons of different dimensions. Besides, we study the effect of straining the local lattice. It can serve as an external handle on the Néel field inertia and thus dynamical properties. Our findings may find applications in antiferromagnetic spintronics.
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18. | Topological transport of deconfined hedgehogs in magnets |
J. Zou, S. Zhang, and Y. Tserkovnyak Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 267201 (2020), Editors’ Suggestion
We theoretically investigate the dynamics of magnetic hedgehogs, which are three-dimensional topological spin textures that exist in common magnets, focusing on their transport properties and connections to spintronics. We show that fictitious magnetic monopoles carried by hedgehog textures obey a topological conservation law, based on which a hydrodynamic theory is developed. We propose a nonlocal transport measurement in the disordered phase, where the conservation of the hedgehog flow results in a nonlocal signal decaying inversely proportional to the distance. The bulk-edge correspondence between the hedgehog number and skyrmion number, the fictitious electric charges arising from magnetic dynamics, and the analogy between bound states of hedgehogs in ordered phase and the quark confinement in quantum chromodynamics are also discussed. Our study points to a practical potential in utilizing hedgehog flows for long-range neutral signal propagation or manipulation of skyrmion textures in three-dimensional magnetic materials.
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19. | Tuning Entanglement by Squeezing Magnons in Anisotropic Magnets |
J. Zou, S. K. Kim, and Y. Tserkovnyak Phys. Rev. B 101, 014416 (2020), Editors’ Suggestion
We theoretically study the entanglement between two arbitrary spins in a magnetic material where magnons naturally form a general squeezed coherent state in the presence of an applied magnetic field and axial anisotropies. Employing concurrence as a measure of entanglement, we demonstrate that spins are generally entangled in thermodynamic equilibrium, with the amount of entanglement controlled by the external fields and anisotropies. As a result, the magnetic medium can serve as a resource to store and process quantum information. We furthermore show that the entanglement can jump discontinuously when decreasing the transverse magnetic field. This tunable entanglement can be potentially used as an efficient switch in quantum-information processing tasks.
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20. | Quantum hydrodynamics of spin winding |
Y. Tserkovnyak, J. Zou, S. K. Kim, and S. Takei Phys. Rev. B 102, 224433 (2020)
An easy-plane spin winding in a quantum spin chain can be treated as a transport quantity, which propagates along the chain but has a finite lifetime due to phase slips. In a hydrodynamic formulation for the winding dynamics, the quantum continuity equation acquires a source term due to the transverse vorticity flow. The latter reflects the phase slips and generally compromises the global conservation law. A linear-response formalism for the nonlocal winding transport then reduces to a Kubo response for the winding flow along the spin chain, in conjunction with the parasitic vorticity flow transverse to it. One-dimensional topological hydrodynamics can be recovered when the vorticity flow is asymptotically small. Starting with a microscopic spin-chain formulation, we focus on the asymptotic behavior of the winding transport based on the renormalized sine-Gordon equation, incorporating phase slips as well as Gilbert damping. A generic electrical device is proposed to manifest this physics. We thus suggest winding conductivity as a tangible concept that can characterize low-energy dynamics in a broad class of quantum magnets.
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21. | Energy storage in magnetic textures driven by vorticity flow |
D. Jones, J. Zou, S. Zhang, and Y. Tserkovnyak Phys. Rev. B 102, 140411(R) (2020), Rapid Communications
An experimentally feasible energy-storage concept is formulated based on vorticity (hydro)dynamics within an easy-plane insulating magnet. The free energy associated with the magnetic winding texture is built up in a circular easy-plane magnetic structure by injecting a vorticity flow in the radial direction. The latter is accomplished by electrically induced spin-transfer torque, which pumps energy into the magnetic system in proportion to the vortex flux. The resultant magnetic metastable state with a finite winding number can be maintained indefinitely because the process of its relaxation via phase slips is exponentially suppressed when the temperature is brought well below the Curie temperature. We characterize the vorticity-current interaction underlying the energy-loading mechanism through its contribution to the effective electric inductance in the rf response. Our proposal may open an avenue for naturally powering spintronic circuits and nontraditional magnet-based neuromorphic networks.
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22. | Quantum Hydrodynamics of Vorticity |
Y. Tserkovnyak and J. Zou. Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033071 (2019), Editors’ Suggestion
We formulate a quantum theory of vorticity (hydro)dynamics on a general two-dimensional bosonic lattice. In the classical limit of a bosonic condensate, it reduces to conserved plasma-like vortex-antivortex dynamics. The nonlocal topological character of the vorticity flows is reflected in the bulk-edge correspondence dictated by the Stokes theorem. This is exploited to establish physical boundary conditions that realize, in the coarse-grained thermodynamic limit, an effective chemical-potential bias of vorticity. A Kubo formula is derived for the vorticity conductivity, which could be measured in a suggested practical device, in terms of quantum vorticityflux correlators of the original lattice model. As an illustrative example, we discuss the superfluidity of vorticity, exploiting the particle-vortex duality at a bosonic superfluid-insulator transition.
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23. | Topological Transport of Vorticity in Heisenberg Magnets |
J. Zou, S. K. Kim, and Y. Tserkovnyak. Phys. Rev. B 99, 180402(R) (2019), Rapid Communications
We study a robust topological transport carried by vortices in a thin film of an easy-plane magnetic insulator between two metal contacts. A vortex, which is a nonlocal topological spin texture in two-dimensional magnets, exhibits some beneficial features as compared to skyrmions, which are local topological defects. In particular, the total topological charge carried by vorticity is robust against local fluctuations of the spin order-parameter magnitude. We show that an electric current in one of the magnetized metal contacts can pump vortices into the insulating bulk. Diffusion and two-dimensional nonlocal Coulomb-like interaction between these vortices will establish a steady-state vortex flow. Vortices leaving the bulk produce an electromotive force at another contact, which is related to the current-induced vorticity pumping by the Onsager reciprocity. The voltage signal decays algebraically with the separation between two contacts, similarly to a superfluid spin transport. Finally, the vorticity and closely related skyrmion-type topological hydrodynamics are generalized to arbitrary dimensions, in terms of nonsingular order-parameter vector fields.